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Elevating Research in Mental Health

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Welcome to the Mathison Centre

The Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education is a centre dedicated to advancing research and education on early identification, treatment and prevention of mental illness. The centre is located at the University of Calgary and is based on a close partnership between the  Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Department of Psychiatry. The roles of the centre include the following:

  • Funding and supporting international researchers of tomorrow
  • Providing a hub for mental health research at the University of Calgary
  • Coordinating ‘state of the art’ learning events
  • Promoting and sharing research findings

Our Centre works closely with academic and community partners in Calgary, across the country and internationally to foster research and innovation to advance the mental health across the lifespan with particular focus on children, youth and emerging adults

high school

Enhancing school-based mental health interventions in Calgary

A team of researchers at the Mathison Centre are working with the Calgary Board of Education to develop targeted/tier 2 level interventions for students identified as at risk of developing mental illness. The most prevalent mental health disorders among youth include depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, externalizing behaviour problems and anxiety (Erskine et al; 2017). Targeted interventions will be an enhancement on CBE’s existing tier 1 mental health interventions, such as the “Go to Educator” program, which trains school staff to recognize and respond to students experiencing mental heath challenges.

In the News

Study examines economic impact of eating disorders in Canada

UCalgary researcher co-authors national study that finds cost and impact of eating disorders in children and youth during COVID-19 has been vastly underestimated

UCalgary researcher learns how our brains use art to Float into Flow

In attempting to capture the brain imagery of art-making, Brittany Harker Martin aims to spotlight a powerful tool for building mental health capacity in schools

Celebrating 10 years and beyond at the Cumming School of Medicine

Faculty and institutes mark 10 years since Geoff Cumming’s historic $100 million gift, highlighting research success and healthier lives sparked by philanthropy

UCalgary researchers quantify connection between homelessness and mental health disorders

Researchers say findings point to vital need for specific interventions to support mental health needs of unhoused people

Study finds Netflix misses the mark by trivializing teenagers’ pain

UCalgary-led research discovers movies and TV series aimed at adolescents reinforce gender and racialized pain stereotypes

In the News Amelia Austin, Gina Dimitropoulos, Sheri Madigan and colleague writing in The Conversation Canada

Spotting the signs of disordered eating in youth: Tips for parents and caregivers

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